surrender was needed to shake off
years of beliefs,
teachings and perceptions,
all of them limiting your very being
to a very small amount of expression
in comparison to who you fully are
surrendering in fullness
inevitably brings claiming your space in current systems
claiming by just being who you are in the surrender
not "working on it", not pushing it
by surrendering into who you are
you took the responsibility
to live in your full being
this is how the core energy of responsibility
free of all interpretations of human mind
looks, feels and is like
living your life in fullness
and sharing fullness with others
thus you take full responsibility for yourself and in all relations with others
thus you give and receive the most
each minute of each day becomes fully resonant with yourself and with others
and balance is being created synchronically and constantly
it is very important that humans become resonant with core energies of all concepts
your way of living in high resonance with the core energy of responsibility
will spread the wisdom of living into spaces and other beings
the resonance you are establishing with your own inner being
with who you truly are
radiates so powerfuly on your surroundings
that no other power is comperable to that
this is what responsibility means in it's core:
clean, primal energy
live your life fully
in resonance with your inner being
allow abundance to step your way
and experience a new taste of freedom
a taste of full responsibility in owning who you are
without "owning" it
just being immersed in your very being
just Being
we encourage and support you on this path
to become free and independent
from everything that isn't aligned with your Being
Be in your Being

Photo: Looking at the View @Unsplash